CZW The Boss is Back 2016
1. Da Hit Squad (Dan Maff Monsta Mack) (c) vs. Scarlet and Graves (Dezmond Xavier Zachary Wentz) CZW Tag Team Title Match 2. Curt Robinson vs. Neiko Sozio 3. Peter Avalon (c) vs. Shane Strickland CWFH Heritage Heavyweight Title Match 4. Chuck Taylor vs. Dan Barry vs. Flip Gordon vs. Steve Scott 5. Dave Crist vs. Jonathan Gresham Special Guest Referee: David Starr 6. Lio Rush (c) vs. John Silver CZW Wired Title Match 7. Matt Tremont (c) vs. Joe Gacy CZW World Heavyweight Title Match 8. Alex Colon Tim Donst vs. Danny Havoc Rickey Shane Page