Young Russia Tries English (1960)
Item title reads Young Russia tries English. Alma Ata, Kazakh. Interior M, S of nursery belonging to a confectionery factory. Small children are given an English lesson. M, S of a young boy answering question in English then sitting down. (Natural sound starts): The lady teacher asks a question in English and a little girls stands up and answers it. C, U as the classroom door opens and another little girl asks in English if she can come in The other children turn round to see who it is, and the teacher tells her to enter. She walks to her seat and sits down. The lesson continues with the teacher asking questions and the children answering in English. M, S of another teacher walking between desks looking at the children. She has a conversation in Russian with a little girl, who answers in English. M, S as some of the children have their teeth examined. The nurse looks into little girl s mouth and speaks to her in Russian. C, U of the little girl saying Goodbye in English. FILM ID:1664. 3 A VIDEO