Rachel Chinouriri Plain Jane ( Official Music Video)
Plain Jane by Rachel Chinouriri was released as a part of Four Degrees In Winter on April 23rd 2021 by Parlophone Records, Atlas Artists. Download, Stream Plain Jane here: Download, Stream Four Degrees In Winter here: Concept: Rachel Chinouriri rachelchinouriri Director: Aliyah Otchere aliyahotchere Producer: Aidan Robert Brooks aidanrobertbrooks EP: Precious Mahaga preciousmahaga EP: Femi Anderson swagloescobar PA: Mossie Cassidy mossiecassidy DOP: Henry Gill thehenrygill 1st AD: Philips Nortey philipsnortey 1st AC: Jannick Fjeldsoe jannickfjeldsoe 2nd AC: Kieran Poynter kierancamera Gaffer: Jorge Higgins jorgehiggins Spark: Joe Smith Spark Trainee: Dorothy Iskrzynska Choreography: Arkuen and Leyla Brunton Art Director: Georgia Currell georgiacurrellset Art Assistant, Runner: Florence Rose florenceros. e Stylist: Naomi Barling naomialannabarling Hair: Shamara Roper hamararoper Ha