Leo Sowerby Very slowly( II) from Sonatina. Kirill Jankowsky Organist pianist improviser
Kirill Jankowsky plays: Leo Sowerby Very slowly(II) from Sonatina This is very remarkable piece, very rarely played or mostly unknown. Also it s very challenging to perform all chords and transitions clear on differennt types of organs which are not good for that, or with nonstandart size of keys. Requires some complex and clumsy fingersubstitutions An awkwardly thumb usage on lower keyboards is a common, typical method for Sowerby in many of his organ works. At this Euleorgan I play the Reed 8 solo as written, but at my RiegerKloss I have to play this Reed solo an octave lower using Schalmey 4 instead Oboe 8 ( it s too strident and loud for beginning and 4 sounds much better in low octaves) This IImanual(III is useless additional for baroque only) Eule gives a perfectly intonated Oboe but has no any 4 Reeds