Narnia Movie film 2005 story Explained urdu hindi Chronicles Lion and Wardrobe Untaaly Entertainment
Welcome to Untaaly Entertainment Chronicles of Narnia Movie: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 2005. Thriller movie explained in Hindi Urdu. The American Film Chronicles of Narnia also known story summarized with a complete ending in explanation. The plot is about the place called Narnia, which is located between the forest and the universe, and was discovered by a girl named Lucy. She has three siblings. One day she went to the wardrobe and then appeared in the forest through the wardrobe she became happy seeing the snow falling and enjoy it there she meets Tumnus who is a creature half like a goat and human. It tells her that there is a white Witch rule and her orders are to be any humans to her if humans will appear here. Lucy returns and tells her siblings, but they don t believe her, and they go back to the room and wardrobe to visit Narnia. They go there and are amazed to see the different universes there. While witch wants them to end them because she wants to rule the kingdom forever, whic