Dirty Secrets Double Life of Bald and Bankrupt EXPOSED Soviet Charlatan Predatory Sex Tourist
The secret double life of Bald and Bankrupt who moonlights as a YouTuber who pretends to be a Soviet Union aficionado but really a prolific predatory sex tourist who goes to the Former Soviet Union Countries for preying upon women and sexual exploitation of women in economically disadvantaged countries or as he puts it I travel thousands of miles for my bangs because I don t trust British women. He has been a sex tourist preying upon women in the FSU countries for over two decades and his Youtube act is really a cover and a money generator to fund his amorous activites and he moonlights as a YouTuber during the day filming near his hunting grounds and by night, he is a full on predator for unsuspecting women in Eastern Europe. He has posted in extensive detail about his conquests and planting flags on the RooshV forum and Naughty Nomad Forum which are venues for pick up artists and misogynists who clamor to make sexually assaulting a woman legal.