Circus Wedding (1962)
Title reads: Circus Wedding. Leeds, Yorkshire. Marriage between two employees of Billy Smart s circus. L, S Holy Trinity Church. C, U church notice board. M, S clown arriving with groom, chimp trainer Danny Ashcroft. M, S bride, circus showgirl Joan Burnell arriving, preceded by vicar and Rev Dr. Donald Omand (official circus chaplain). M, S baby elephant outside the church. Crowd come out of church and walk under arch made by drum majorettes. C, U Danny and Joan, a small boy gives Joan a lucky horseshoe. Joan throws her bouquet to the bridesmaids, the happy couple then get in carriage drawn by baby elephant at set off down street. L, S wedding reception in circus ring. C, U Reverend Omand being cuddled by one of Danny s chimps M, S clown stops the baby elephant from taking food from the table C, U one of Danny s chimps sitting on the table beside the cake as the happy couple prepare to cut it. The cake is in the shape of a big top. Quirky and fun FILM A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ.