March 31st 2020 Police Gangstalking in Tokyo Haneda International Airport
March 31st 2020 Police Gangstalking in Tokyo Haneda International Airport When I entered the airport on the 1st floor at around 3:00 am today, not a police officer was in sight. Then, within less than a minute, one appeared and posted himself right in front of me. So, I moved to the 3rd floor to prepare to catch my flight and as I prepared, police officers circled me like buzzards. One of them positioned himself really close to where I sat for about 20 minutes or so and when I got up to go to the trash bin, I turned around to find him walking directly behind me. So, I presented him with the notice you will see in the video posted below. The notice reads, Police are gangstalking ordinary citizens in your When I asked him if he was patrolling me, he gave me a quick NO, but I let him know I didn t believe him. Of course, he was. He s not going to (and no pun intended) cop to it. I d rather this life than going one day f, ing over somebody else s life.