The Genesis The BEST Solo, Duo BUNKER Base In RUST 2023 Design
WELCOME EVERYONE To The GENESIS The Perfect cheap and easy to build base for YOU as a solo or a GROUP If you enjoy please make sure to like and subscribe, and comment down below what base you wanna see next on the channel :) Use my code secret on for a free 1 in rust skins THANKS TO KOBE AND DRAGIYN FOR HELP, GO GIVE EM A SUB :) Dragiyn KobeBuilds JOIN THE DISCORD: Twitter: Building Bulletin Discord: BUILD COST AND UPKEEP WITH FULL DEPLOYABLES: Build Cost: 50, 000 Stone, 30, 000 Metal Fragments, 54 High Quality Metal Upkeep: 6, 000 Stone, 4, 500 Metal Fragments, 12 High Quality Metal , rust , rustpvp , rustbasedesign , rustbuilding , secretbuilds