Touhou Lyrics Kids Festival Innocent Treasures
A classic duet for Renko Usami and Maribel Hearn. otherwise unprecedented treat, ZUN actually wrote his own lyrics in Japanese to the main melody of the song. My lyrics are largely adapted from the wikis raw translation of that. Of course, they are rearranged and stylized heavily to match the tune in English, and much more is added to fill the rest. May the dream be The repeated phrase in ZUNs lyrics is yume tagae, referring to a prayer to change the course of a bad dream, from a time when dreams were considered to be premonitions of reality. Naturally, youd want to change a bad omen into a good one. But the Sealing Club also desires to take it a step further When Merry begins to feel caught between dreams and reality, she comes to ask her partner for advice. That partner, as always, is played by my one true partner, Lori (