Love your neighbor as yourself2 Luke 10:27
Love your neighbor as yourself2 Luke 10:27 He answered, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as As we see Jesus speaking with an expert in the law during his Earthly Ministry we see a problem that this expert and the law had that many individuals have today one that you and I have to be carefully mindful of. An expert in the law once asked Jesus what must he do to inherit eternal life Jesus asked them what did Law say how did it read to him the expert in the law answered Jesus satisfactory the next thing Jesus said to him was do this and live. Understand my brother understand my sister that sound Doctrine or understanding what God is saying is one thing putting it into practice is another thing my prayer for you and I may we not just understand what God is saying but may we put it into practice or as Jesus said to the expert in the law do this and you will The tradit