DIRECT FIRE ARTILLERY vs T 72, Paladin 155mm M107 High Explosive, Armour Penetration Simulation
The simulation presents the impact of the 155mm M107 high explosive projectile against the turret front of a T72, in a direct fire scenario. The T72 features simplified geometry, and follows the 6010550 hull armour arrangement (the back 50mm plate provides some support to the 30mm hull roof, but the method it is attached to it has been simplified). This simplification means that the effect on components such as the turret drive, and how the turret is secured aren t accounted for. The hull roof has been modelled as 250BHN Rolled Homogenous Armour (RHA). The M107 projectile modelled does not include any internal indentations which are often used in HE shells to control the fragmentation. The simulation also does not account for how the blast pressure wave will propagate inside the tank, and any additional damage it will cause. The impact velocity has been set at 600m, s. Amazing Thumbnail artwork from: SerhiiRyzhkov