Tiberium Crisis 2: Dawn Fall. GDI Mission 2: Exodus ( Chinese)
Operation: Exodus Time: 6:53am, 18, 02, 2065 Location: Santa Cruz, USA Scrin have destroyed the last Blue Zone defense in North America Cottar Base. The military strength of North America are almost destroyed, and GSS Genesisclass command ship has to taken off urgently. GDI now still having an abandoned air base in Yellow Zone inside Santa Cruz, and Nod Separatists are trying to destroy it also intercept remaining of GDI forces. The R5 commander must lead the troops to reclaim the space command uplink, reactivate all transport planes and fighter jets, and evacuate the rest to the blue zone in Asia with all combat troops across the Pacific Ocean along with the Genesis command ship. Objective: Destroy both Shield Generator, after that, clear the first Shield Generator placed to deploy Crawler. And then capture Space Command Uplink to activate GDI air base. And then destroy Nod radar, Operation Center and Nod Airbase. After that, protect your Crawler by all cost against Scrin. And then escort