Guitar Practice Routine Gone Wrong 7 Tips To Get Out Of Your Guitar Rut
Information is correct Lesson material is so awesome Why I am not improving my guitar playing This is why I will show you clearly 7 guitar practice topics that not learning correctly. 00:00 02:15 Introduction 02:15 03:38 Healthy habits on Social Media 03:39 07:06 No1 Problem Chromatic Scale 07:07 09:34 No2 Problem Tempo Setting 09:35 12:46 No3 Problem Blue Monk Melody Fingering Position (Plus how to post Homework on own YouTube Channel as unlisted) 12:48 15:46 No5 Problem Soloing Phrase Position (not scale shape ) 15:47 16:44 Joe B, Chris B, John M and Mateus A has similar things 16:45 17:54 Information Overloadded 18:36 22:52 No6 Problem 4 notes chords correct shapes wrong sounds 22:53 24:39 Chord Shape Problems Correct name wrong shapes 25:09 28:05 No7 Problem Wrong Metronome Usage (Not 1 3, 2 4 ) 28:40 29:50 Advanced Lesson Same notes, Same Shape chord has 4 functions 29:51 31:20