Nirvana February 12, 1990 Cattle Club 2 cam edit full set
Live at The Cattle Club, Sacramento. Straight from the master VHS and Hi8 tapes. Extraspecial thanks go to Jerry Perry and Shayne Stacy for making their footage available and allowing for this to hapapen. An additional Anonymous audio recording was used in mixing the soundtrack, thanks to Anonymous as well. This is an upgrade from the version that was screened in Sacramento several years ago. Editing and soundrack mix by Jim McLain. 03:12 California Über Alles (jam) 03:57 Love Buzz 07:30 Floyd the Barber 10:15 School 13:33 About a Girl 16:31 Dive 20:53 Polly 24:33 Molly s Lips 27:03 Sappy 31:58 Scoff 36:04 Breed 40:01 Been a Son 41:58 Stain 45:04 Negative Creep 47:58 Blew