What if music could find someone youve lost , Steven Sharp Nelson, TEDx Salt Lake City
As Steven Sharp Nelson grieved the loss of his mother, it was music that finally brought healing. He realized that the people weve lost arent truly gone; the holes their absence leaves inside us are not meant to be filled with something or someone else. Join him on a journey to reconnect with someone youve lostthrough the power of music. Featuring performances of the Cello Song and Stevens firstever performance of Nessun Dorma. Steven Sharp Nelson is an award winning, Billboard chart topping, YouTube rock starin a cellist sort of way. His creations are watched and listened to over three million times every day. He has performed in dozens of countries and iconic concert halls such as the Sydney Opera House, Carnegie Hall, the Greek Theatre, Royal Albert Hall in Rio, Paris, Singapore, Japan, Istanbul. In 2011, Steven hoped to incorporate all of what he had experienced and learned when he, along with three partners, built The Piano Guys, a group of selfproclaimed dorky dads who film classi