All glory to the Father in the Son Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ If your led to donate to help me give tents and backpacks of food, water, and supplies to the homeless here s the link: Pastor Patrick Wright 6545 S. Fort Apache Rd. Suite 135 , 323 Las Vegas, NV. 89148 Contact: Please pray that all of our brother s and sister s relatives and loved one s on the prayer list below are all saved by Jesus Christ before the rapture Sara Lisa Tamar Bert Dirk Suzie Shelley Adam Drue Melissa Marsha JESUSISLORD Aidan Chrissy Paula Amber Elizabeth Ruth Candice Jessica Christina Damur Ruth D D Brant Sharon B Susan D Daniel S Cathy N Sandy B Sarah D Daniel C Adam pat H Laycee Mrs. Nichols Denise L Lisa L Bob Sean Jessica Robert P John C