Playing RIPOUT with the Freeaim VR Shoes + UEVR Injector + hex frame Walk naturally in VR (3)
Freeaims affordable and easytouse VR Shoes let you walk naturally in VR across infinite distances and in any direction, while keeping you safely inside a small area. Our aim is to provide incredible immersion and realistic VR movement to gaming, fitness, training and more We are solving mobility immersion in VR with personal autonomous robotics In this video we are playing RIPOUT with the VR shoes. We are using Praydog s Unreal Engine VR injector to turn High on Life into a VR game. RIPOUT on Steam: Want to test the VR shoes Please fill out this form: For news on how to get your VR shoes, please signup to our newsletter at: People in the video have prior experience using the prototype VR shoes, or if they are new users, they have been given guidance while being supervised and they accepted any risks. , virtualreality, gaming, vr, quest2, steamvr, startup, vrgaming, immersive, fps, fpsgames, fundraising, vrexperience , vrtraining, steam, quest