Wo W Music Video Zombie
So it s finally here and done Story: The blonde elf: Her Name is Luina, The story starts with her back story the moments she had with her lover Derek. But time passes by and she learns the truth about him as he broke up with her for another elf. She however got a letter if she wanted revenge she gotta kill him. Althoguh a part inside her heart still feelt feelings for him, she didn t know what to do and confronted him about it. But he just turned her down and said he never loved her and the memories they had together was nothing. And so she could not take it and took his life right there at that moment. Time flies by and she no longer is a sin dorei she now is a Ren dorei. Trying to get away from her past she trains amongst the monks there under the guidance of Master Hin jayn (The pandaren) But she sometimes thinks to her childhood friend she had and wonder whatever happened to him. The dark haired elf: Fatelis works to kill anyone litterally anyone out there. he was however lost in mind durring one conv