Is the Creator Male, Female or Non Binary
Is the Create male, female or nonbinary What is the basis of the binary relationship between the Creator and the creature, and how is it expressed in reality How do Kabbalists describe the Creator s gender and the changes the creation goes through to become similar to the Creator Despite the apparent differences in gender in our world, what is the ultimate destiny of all individuals in relation to the Creator, according to the wisdom of Kabbalah Is the Creator male, female, or nonbinary, perhaps These would be the most blasphemous questions in the world if they weren t suggested by the holy texts themselves. Now, Kabbalists apparently are those who reveal the Creator and thus can let us know if it s a he, a she, it, or what. As I said, there are holy texts written by Kabbalists, meaning those who attained the Creator, suggesting all of the above. But the Creator turns out to be one of these and not all of them. At the basis of creation is this binary relationship between the Creator