painting Aysus portrait
Three metamorphoses of the spirit have I designated to you: how the spirit became a camel, the camel a lion, and the lion at last a child. said Nietzsche, There is much that is difficult for the spirit, the strong, reverent spirit that would bear much: but the difficult and the most difficult are what its strength demands. What is difficult asks the spirit that would bear much, and kneels down like a camel wanting to be well loaded. What is most difficult, O heroes, asks the spirit that would bear much, that I may take it upon myself and rejoice in my strength Is it not this: To humiliate oneself in order to mortify ones pride To exhibit ones folly in order to mock at ones wisdom Or is it this: To desert our cause when it celebrates its triumph To climb high mountains to tempt the tempter Or is it this: To feed on the acorns and grass of knowledge and for the sake of truth to suffer hunger of soul Or is it this: To be sick and dismiss comforters, and make friends with the