NAVY ABROAD ON BUSINESS AND PLEASURE Commander in Chief reviews naval march past from
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit NAVY ABROAD ON BUSINESS AND PLEASURE CommanderinChief reviews naval march past from China Squadron. Virginia Full Description: Hongkong China: Gen. view boats coming in. Semi CU CU sailors in boats ashore. CU Chinese to sailors marching past. Gen. long views sailors march thru streets. Good Scenes. CU British Ensign (white). Gen. view Maj. Gen. A. W. Bartholomew (C. in C. of troops in China) Vice Ad. Crabbe of Navy in China) greet each other. Gen. view reviewing troops on field 2 semi views of Crabbe. Var. cu s of officers ( ) Shot of sailors passing. Semi view officer salutes. CU to marchers. Angle shot men getting into boats. Semi view man in boats pulling away. British Sailors Visit Virginia. FOR THE FIRST PART OF THE