A Huge Hole Has Opened Up in the Suns Atmosphere and It is Directly Facing Earth Dec. 2. 2023
A huge hole has opened in the sun s atmosphere, and it is directly facing Earth. NASA s Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the structure on Dec. 2nd. Solar wind flowing from the hole will reach our planet on Dec. 4th or 5th. Its arrival should spark G2class geomagnetic storms. Another round of geomagnetic storming, possibly reaching Moderate (G2) levels is currently expected. Skywatchers should be alert for auroral displays. Coronal holes are regions in the sun s atmosphere where magnetic fields open up and allow solar wind to escape. It looks dark in ultraviolet images because glowinghot gas normally contained there is missing. Thanks for watching ,coronalhole, solarwind, spaceweather Images credit: AIA, SDO, NASA s Goddard Space Flight Center, nemesis maturity channel Music credit: YouTube Audio Library Final Girl Jeremy Blake