Countryhumans PARTY LIKE A RUSSIAN, Complete PMV MAP
Wow. . WOW WOW ITS HERE Aaaaaa I love hosting PMV MAPs they turn out gorgeous I love what everyone did with the color palette every part is breathtaking Thank you everyone who participated and contributed art Im so happy with how this turned out About the MAP, Its a PMV color palette MAP about Russia with the themes of: Elegant, royal, and formal party. Also can you believe this is my first MAP without the US as a main character I listened to the feedback from my last PMV map and put the parts in order in the credits. But there wasnt enough room for 1 part so I just left out mine. Who cares anyways. I shouldve asked who everyones favorite CH for the lil matryoshka dolls in the credits but it was a last minute choice (like really last minute it was being rendered and I was like WAIT THATS CUTE) so I picked at random But theres no repeats so thats cool ig Huge thanks to the people who worked on the subtitles br, br,