Pinewood Stock Can Cambodia, Vietnam Reel 2 (1961 1962)
Cambodia (Kampuchea), Vietnam. V23225 Vietnam, agriculture. L, S workers in a rice or paddy field. Oxen grazing in the foreground. C, U of head of ox or water buffalo. V23226 Vietnam workers in a paddy field planting rice. V23227 L, S Vietnam village housing house on stilts. Child walks towards the camera. V23228 M, S young Vietnamese boy. He squats down beside a pot on a low cooking stove. He picks out and eats something from the pan (paper records state that they are worms ) V23229 L, S of small pig on a leash attached to a fence. Camera pans to show a woman spinning whilst she stirs a pot of food on a stove in the open air. V23230 Low angle shot of tree tops in Vietnam jungle. Tilt down to trunk of tree. M, S of tree trunk showing ferns and foliage of the jungle. Camera pans across clearing. Low angle shot of treetops, camera pans around showing hanging creepers. V23231 C, U of a sign in French and English which reads: Cease Fire Committee. Camera pulls