Dakha Brakha: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
People always ask me, What s your favorite Tiny Desk Concert Well, right now it s the one recently performed by DakhaBrakha. The creative quartet from Kiev, Ukraine make music that sounds like nothing I ve ever heard, with strands of everything I ve ever heard. There are rhythms that sound West African and drone that feels as if it could have emanated from India or Australia. At times, DakhaBrakha is simply a rock band whose crazy homeland harmonies are filled with joy. All the while, they play tightknit tunes featuring accordion, drums, reeds and shakers while wearing tall, Marge Simpsonlooking wool hats that made me jealous. I want the world to see this Tiny Desk Concert more than any other right now. It s refreshing to hear the power of acoustic music and the many worlds of sound still waiting to be explored. BOB BOILEN Set List Sho ZPod Duba 0:00 Torokh 3:43 DivkaMarusechka 8:07 Credits Producers: Bob Boilen, Maggie Starbard; Audio Engineer: Kevin Wait; Videographers: Morgan McCloy, Ma