Juggling: Hats
Circomedia Youth Circus Home Edition is a series of online tutorials and activities from your favourite Circomedia Youth Circus tutors Perfect for kids who are stuck at home, these circus activities are safe and easy to do in your own home. You ll find juggling, balancing, acrobatics, strength skill exercises, arts and crafts and more at Difficulty: Easy Safety Warning: Hats are quite safe to juggle with, but always be careful not to hit yourself or anyone around you when juggling Rachel K shows us how to juggle hats You can use a proper juggling hat or bowler hat, or a regular baseball cap if thats what youve got at home. First, Rachel shows us how to throw a hat onto our head. She shows us how to angle the hat correctly and practice throwing and catching it first. When youre ready to aim for your head, you can spot the inside of the hat to make it easier. Next youll learn how to do a body r