PREMIERE: Horny Mom Busts A Phat Tre Flip
VIDEO BY: Justin Khuu Canada is trying to take over skating, and if it means more videos like this one, were with it. Our neighbors to the north are continuing to gain some spotlight (and sunshine for their pale souls) with their baggy styles and crusty spots. We got this submission in our inbox on a random weekday, and I took some time to watch it on my lunch break. I cracked up in between bites of my sandwich, appreciating the middle school antics that made me want to ditch work and meet up with my friends who are also bad at skating, but good at goofing off. The skating in this vid isnt setting any Highest, Longest, Most records or going viral, but the braindead hijinks and occasional Jackassery round it out. Theres enough pent up teenage angst to make it fun without being totally destructive. I see this crew as a bunch of adorable try hards. Especially with that video title, and their email that said theyd have someone in their crew light their pubes on fire for 10 seconds if we posted the vid.