Denis Vorotyntsev: Auto Graph: Graphs Meet Auto ML
Data Fest Online 2020 Graph ML track: Speaker: Denis Vorotinsev (Oura) AutoGraph: Graphs Meet AutoML Denis Vorotyntsev (Sr Data Scientist at Oura) will talk about his experience from participation in the Automatic Graph Representation Learning challenge (AutoGraph), the firstever AutoML challenge applied to Graphstructured data, in which he took 18th place. During presentation following topic will be covered: Introduction to the competition: task, metric, dataset, limitations; Solution overview: try: fitpredicttonsofGCNs except: return mostcommonclass; Winners approaches: what tricks we can learn from top10 participants. Посмотреть эфир и список треков и организаторов: Зарегистрироваться на фест и получить доступ к трекам: Вступить в сообщество: Соцсети Data Fest: t. me, datafest