Star Wars Galactic Empire Theme
We are an Empire ruled by the majority An Empire ruled by a new Constitution An Empire of laws, not of politicians An Empire devoted to the preservation of a just society. Of a safe and secure society We are an Empire that will stand for ten thousand years Palpatine I made a new video about the Galactic Empire for you. I hope you like it:) Tracklist:0:00 0:59 Imperial Starfleet Deployed (EP V) 1:00 2:27 Escape from Kamino (SWFU II) 2:28 5:37 Terror Aboard the Salvation (SWFU II) 5:38 7:18 The Way of the Sith (SWFU) 7:19 8:56 The Imperial ProbeAboard the Executor (EP V) 8:57 11:08 The Imperial March (EP V)