How Appropriate is This Swimsuit Haul
Hi How are you This is Becky Miller with Becs Closet. How fitting is this video Living right in Florida in what we call hurricane season. I started to film this short swimsuit haul, set everything up and it started to sprinkle. I thought okay this is doable ya aint gonna stop me now. And its roll time. I had a short haul that was from a local place today and I picked up a few swimsuits. It being Florida there is never a scarcity on them. I found a cute evening purse and 2 pair of shoes. One I hope will not be speckled by the rain because is leather. I did not to do big haul today I was on a schedule and when you discipline yourself you can the focus on what you are targeting and not randomly pick up everything you think will sell. The swimsuits I did pick up are good sellers in my closet and by keeping them in my flow they are sold quite quickly. When you listen to your audience it becomes easier to be of service for them. Its not how much I got its what my customers like. Rem