Nashi moon sages scion cedh card review
A new ninja. And quite good I think this is something a few decks could include. With me today I have death from Viel of Death MTG S U P P O R T M E If you wish to support my channel by purchasing cards from TCGplayer using this affiliate link helps cEDH TV grow. I have a Patreon: For silver 5 a month you get access to my doodle live stream signup schedule. A lot of people are asking me about proxies. Here is a good website I got some of mine from. V I E L O F D E A T H Don t forget to checkout Death youtube channel if your into Box openings and cEDH. M Y D I S C O R D Come and hangout with other cEDH players at my Discord: Here you can write to me if you wanna say someth