Dissonance of Pentakill Viego Skin Spotlight League of Legends
League of Legends Dissonance of Pentakill Viego Skin Spotlight. Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate NA): Shows off Animations and Ability Effects of Viego on their Dissonance of Pentakill Skin in this Spotlight. All footage was taken in game. Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender20: Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights and to keep upto date with all the future spotlights and to leave a like Chapters 00:00 Splash 00:08 Turnaround 00:27 Emotes 01:02 Recall 01:16 Basics 01:23 Q Ability 01:37 W Ability 02:00 E Ability 02:33 E Music, audio plays where 2 ends meet, end 03:04 R Ability 03:12 R Execute Passive 03:48 Zoomed Out R Ability 04:00 Crit 04:07 RIP 04:14 Chromas