Johnny Rabb vs. Jojo Mayer
Leave a comment for your favourite drummer, Johnny or Jojo More drum battles comming soon Share and be Inspired The question a lot of you are asking is Is it right to compare two great artists There are two ways of looking at it; the first way is drummer A vs. drummer B and asking who is best or who would win a competition I believe this is wrong as neither drummer asked to be judged or entered into a competition. This is NOT what I am trying to do. I will say it again; this is not a competition and not what I am trying to do. The other way of looking at it is one of advanced appreciation. Let me explain what I mean. Take a drummer like Danny Carey; do you enjoy his music on its own without anything to compare it to Yes, I do. Now take a drummer like Mike Portnoy, can you enjoy his music on its own without any comparison Yes, I also do. But if I want to know how much I enjoy either p