Nirvana Bleach Riffs but with In Utero Tone
Another fun alternate timeline experiment. What if Nirvana decided to rerecord Bleach at the February 1993 In Utero sessions Gear used: Fender Kurt Cobain Signature Jaguar (roadworn) Dean Markley 1052 strings Sansamp Classic Digitech Drop Tune Fender Tone Master Twin Reverb 1:14 Blew 2:19 Floyd The Barber 2:52 About a Girl 3:47 School 4:31 Love Buzz 4:57 Paper Cuts 6:11 Negative Creep 6:52 Scoff 7:57 Swap Meet 8:40 Mr. Moustache 9:46 Sifting 10:37 Big Cheese 11:21 Downer Vandalism Strat Stickers use coupon code nirvanaguitars to get 2 for the price of 1: Lomic Guitars Where I got my custom 2021 JagStang Pickguard: My amazon storefront where you can find some of these parts: Learn Nirvana songs with Fender Play Follow me on instagram at nirvanaguitars Check out my progressive punk band at Check out my acoustic project at