The New IELTS Computer Test: Everything you need to know
Полный каталог видеоуроков Все самое полезное для изучения английского смотрите в сообществе (Визуальный английский) Whats the new IELTS Should you take the new IELTS computer test or the old IELTS paper test How are they similar How are they different Which one is easier Watch my lesson to learn all about the new IELTS option, its content and structure, and the pros and cons of the computerbased IELTS and the paperdelivered IELTS. I explain the listening, reading, writing, and speaking sections, so you know what to expect. I also share students feedback and experiences. There are a lot of little differences that are not obvious. Find out which one section is easier on the IELTS computer test. Watch this lesson to decide which test is best for you and improve your chances of getting a higher IELTS score