Ragnarocks Gameplay Review A Viking Settlement Abstract Game
BoardGameCo Patreon Ragnarocks is a new abstract from the designer of Santorini, bringing streamlined quick and easy gameplay to the table, along with powers to mix up the experience each game. Quick to teach, quick to play, it s a game that is as rewarding as it is challenging. Kickstarter Board Games In A Minute TimeStamps: 0:00:00 Introduction 0:00:44 Gameplay Overview 0:01:37 Game 1 0:07:41 Game 2 0:13:48 Post Game Discussion 0:15:50 What We Liked 0:19:52 What We Didn t Like 0:22:25 What We Can See Others Not Liking 0:22:50 Final Thoughts 0:23:53 Wrapping Up Scoring System 5 Great game. Period. It s in my collection. Obviously. 4 Really solid game but for reasons X or Y, I m just not willing to give it my top score. Almost always a game I m adding to my collection. 3 A solid