Chernobylite Season 2: Red Trees Trailer
Visit the Chernobyl exclusion zone and continue the ongoing support for Chernobylite, a survival horror set around the infamous nuclear power plant. Season 2 will allow you to discover more secrets about the dark setting of the game, learn previously unknown facts about the meltdown and offer new game modes. The largest free content drop in Season 2 Red Trees introduces a new VR set in Igors base. It will allow players to play a game inside the game, introducing a new, roguelike inspired, mode VR Games. Another addition in Season 2 are 6 new story missions. The Ghosts of the past expansion sees Tatyana manifesting in Igors dreams. Apart from all the free content coming with Season 2, players will be able to purchase new base skins, as part of the Red Trees Pack. Inspired by Chernobyls infamous Red Forest, new cosmetics will add rusty leaves and a red glow, which will bring warmth to Igors companions and inspire them to fight in the harsh reality of the Zone. See more of our