WATV News The 4th Happy Seminar with Neighbors in Wonju, Gangwon l WMSCOG
The 4th Happy Seminar with Neighbors was held at the Church of God in Wonju, Gangwondo, Korea. For communication and harmony with neighbors, the Church of God had a precious time inviting neighbors and family members for the first time after the churchs dedication service. Through the performance of the Church of God Chamber Orchestra and seminar reflecting on the love of Father and Mother, audience could heal their tired and weary hearts in their daily lives. , WorldMissionSocietyChurchofGod, Ahnsahnghong, GodtheMother, ChurchofGodNews, HappySeminarwithNeighbors, HappySeminar, Concert This video is copyrighted by the World Mission Society Church of God. Unauthorised copying and distribution are prohibited. World Mission Society Church of WATV Media Cast United Kingdom US East Coast US LA lawmscog.