Teenage Ballerina Uses Ankle As Knee Joint
SUBSCRIBE to the Barcroft network: AN AMPUTEE schoolgirl who lost a leg to cancer has defied the odds to become a competitive dancer. When ballerina Gabi Shull had her leg amputated she feared she would never dance again. But thanks to groundbreaking rotationplasty surgery, the 14yearold bone cancer survivor has been able to get back on her toes. Gabi was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in March 2011, when she was just nineyearsold. Her diseased knee was removed and her foot was rotated 180 degrees and reattached to her upper leg with her ankle serving as her knee. Gabi was fitted with a prosthetic lower leg and took her first steps a year later. Now Gabi, from Missouri, America, can bend and flex her prosthesis by moving her foot and is now encouraging others to live their dreams and never give up. Videographer, director: Andrew Thomas Producer: Dan Howlett, Ellie Winstanley Editor: Sonia Estal, Marcus Cooper Barcroft TV: