Patricia Janeckova 1st Prize of XIV Sacred Music Int. Competition Bach Matthaus Passion: Aus Liebe
Welcome to the official channel dedicated to the Concorso Musica Sacra Sacred Music International Competition. Founded in 2001 by Daniela de Marco in Rome, it is the greatest lyric competition in the world dedicated to the solo repertoire of Sacred Music for number of editions, contestants and juries formed by theatre managers. Our channel presents a rich and varied selection of sacred music arias, where you will find performances by some of the most talented solo singers from around the world, who began their international careers just during that evening. Each video was recorded live during the Final of the Sacred Music Competition. In the Short Section of this channel you will read quotes from famous composers and artists that reflect the universal human experience of seeking transcendence and connection with the divine through Sacred Music. In this video Patricia Janečková 1st Prize of XIV Sacred Music International Competition J. S. Bach, Matthaus Passion: Aus Liebe will mein