Original PV Asking For Too Much Sang it Amatsuki Aho no Sakata sm28981381
Video Description AmatsukiHmmm SakataWhat happened, Amatakun AmatsukiSakaemon I want to become a handsome guy too and hold hands with a cute girl SakataI can t help it then Amatakun here, take this (Yukichi) Amatsukioh how realistic Moreover, please take note that the faces or clothes in the video are different from the real person. We were allowed to sing an arranged version of kanaboon sAsking For Too Much. Vocal 天月あまつき, Amatsukimylist, 16016171 amatsuki あほの坂田, Aho no Sakatamylist, 34669838 sakatandao Arrangement MIX Sum sumsounc1 Guitar たいちょう, Taichoumylist, 47636401 taityou930 Bass YSK mylist, 53511525 YSKBASS Illustration 水希, Mizuki Movie あさこ, Asako (mylist, 33112620 OO1O83) We borrowed the background music in the beginning from 甘茶の音楽工房 (Amacha no Ongaku Koubou). sm27469442 T, N: Yukichi is the man on the 10, 000 yen note. We think Sakata is asking Amatsuki to use the money to rent a girlfriend ww