Final Fantasy X Someday The Dream Will End ( Cover)
Apologies for being quiet the last few months, a burning passion for music and fulltime work do not mix Anyhow, lets start this year off with a classic. Composers: Masashi Hamauzu, Nobuo Uematsu Junya Nakano Arrangements: Andre Kane Big thank you to my Patreon supporters: Bubblygoo, Clayton Webb, Conor Manning, Erick Pombo Sonderblohm, Felix Guerini, Graham Gilman, Ian, James Ward, Jordan Dunteman, Kyte, Marta Nowaczyk, Octavio Hernandez, Pamela Calixto, Simon LaroucheGagne, and Yang Fancy helping me put more hours into making music Then consider supporting me on Patreon: WAV, MP3 downloads available on Patreon. Instagram: Facebook: , FF10, FinalFantasyX, VideoGameMusic