VENHELLBAT was formed at the end of June 2004, at the south of the city of Quito, Ecuador, South America under the name of Mysteriis with lineup: David V. Nefarius(vocals), Daniel C. Svalbard (drums), Fernando C. (guitars) In August 2004, EGROJ(Jorge Larreategui) joined to the band as guitarist. At the beginning of 2005 Diego L. joins the band as bassist, the band in its beginnings shares the rehearsal room with the bands such as Murder and Deaths Cold Wind. His first official concert was in Guayaquil city, Ecuador, in October 2005 with covers of Beherit, Sarcofago, Darkthrone and two bands songs titled: Blasphemy Desire and Unholy Bleeding Hunger. At the beginning of 2006, Nefarius decided plays the bass and vocals, Diego leaved the band due poor musical knowledge and EGROJ decided change the names band to VENHELLBAT, due his sick influences of bands such as: Venon, Hellhammer, Bathory and VON of course. Later Fernando C. leaved the band due personal problems, and the band br, br,