The Best Seller, but for good reason Caline Orange Burst No Talk, All Tone
Welcome BPC viewers and today we are looking at one of the best selling Caline pedals, they don t let you forget this. It is, of course, the Orange Burst, which if you do a brief google, will tell you is a BB preamp clone. They do insist that it goes beyond the scope of the original, getting even cleaner and pushing the gain even more. In essence, it is a low to mid drive preamp style pedal that almost has a bit of a Marshallesque flavour but leaning a little towards the transparent side. With the treble and bass control, you have a really powerful tonal shaping tool at your disposal too. As per the original circuit, if you push things too far, you will experience a bit of noise and with this one at least, you ll notice that the gain is very subtle and then suddenly comes in all at once. You wouldn t expect pushing it into a driving amp would make sense, but actually it really shines and gives a proto80 s hot rodded Marshall tone, which is massive fun. All in, for the price they are asking