Couple Satellites, Flasher and Invisible UFO Filmed Oct 22nd 2021
Last night I had some pretty decent skies and managed to get some filming in. I was able to catch a bunch of satellites, planes and a few unknowns. This was filmed using Paratemporal Hand Select Gen 2 night vision binoculars. I have an adapter hooked up to a lens, which then allows me to center a cell phone camera to it. I have tested quite a few cameras attached to the device so far. Samsung S7, Google Pixel, Google Pixel 2XL, and now an iPhone 8. This is filmed on the iPhone 8, naturally without turning any of the brightness up. You will see, if you watch the whole video, the brightness turned up on the phone, in one of the captures showing a plane. When you add a phone into the mix, as low grade as I m using, you do lose a bit of the quality you would be otherwise seeing, using the binoculars directly up to your eyes. I still can t get over how many stars are visible with it, and not visible due to light pollution. I d love to see a well organized city wide black out during the summer n