7, Lists, Python for Complete Beginners
All Free Tutorials print( Hello from , list store list of items, created by putting items inside square brackets list1 , empyt list numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 , list of integers colors red, blue, green , list of strings mixedlist 1, 2, 3. 8, red print(mixedlist) , a list can have another list as its item mylist python, java, 1, 2, 3, raghav , access elements from a list numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 print(numbers) print(numbers2), print(numbers5) , error index out of range print(numbers1) , last element print(numbers2) , 2nd last element , slicing list print(numbers2:5) , 3rd to 5th element print(numbers2:) , 3rd to last print(numbers:2) , beginning to 3rd print(numbers:) , ... ,RaghavPal, IntroductiontoPythonlists, HowtocreateandusePythonlists, Workingwithlistelements, SlicingandindexingPythonlists, Appendinganddeletinglistelements, IteratingthroughPythonlists 20230717 pekFJ4yl88