Marie Moor Barney Wilen Illusions (b side). Mary Moor
I love this single both A B side. It was released in 1983 on AAAA Records catalogue no. 006. This is a collaboration between Marie Moor on vocals and Barney Wilen on Saxophones. Both songs are famous for Marlene Dietrich singing them originally and both were written by Friedrich Hollaender in 1929 and 1948. I bought this single for a few euros in Portugal a few years back for a few Euros and couldn t believe my luck I d love to hear more of her other stuff I have heard Pretty Day that I have on BIPPP : French SynthWave 1979, 85 and really like as well but I am intrigued to hear any more specially PrendsMoi, PrendsMoi Beau Masque.