Paige Emery Washing
from Intercommunications, out March27th 2024 Leaving Records All Genre Paige Emery is an artist, herbalist, and plant dreamer exploring ways of remembering the Earth. Her music practice is intertwined with visual and performance art, plant medicine and healing rituals, all of the expressions affecting one another. Paiges previous musical work has been in the context of performing sound pieces for healing rituals within art installations and gardens to guide people through ecological journeys within a sitespecific place. Intercommunications grew out of the humble place of singing to plants in her garden every morning after she meditated with them. This morning ritual led her to finding a new relationship with voice and morethanhuman language through offerings of sound. These songs were seeded from a daily practice of plant communication, language becoming deconstructed through the mixing of vocal layers and sounds of the environmen