10 Things You Never Learned About the Globe
If this video was shared with you by a friend or family member, then you would appear to have someone in your life that wants to share the truth with you no matter what, even if it means ridicule for them. That makes you very lucky to have someone like that in your life. This isn t an easy topic to bring up, for any of us, because the deeper you go down this particular rabbit hole, the more you realize we ve been lied to and that s a hard pill to swallow. I hope this video at least sheds a little light on a few things or clears up any misconceptions you may have that certain things prove the globe when in reality it s actually the opposite. Please take the time to look into these topics for yourself with an open mind and a humble heart because this video is only scratching the surface. Most importantly seek a relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the only hope we have in this messed up world. God Bless, TPC 1. 0:01 Orion is Tied to the Equat